Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Two of the hottest new DJ's coming to a club near you!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Mikaela saying 'bye-bye' to Alyson
Our Train ride ~ chug-a-chug-a-chug-a-choo choo!!

Frankie, Mikaela, Giuliana, Me, and Alyson!

Giuliana got out early for a snack.....crazy hair!

Mikaela did not want to leave the pool

Grandpa, what is on your head?

Weekend in Bartlesville

Frankie and I had a fantastic time in Bartlesville this past weekend
with the girls and my parents.
We got up Saturday, ate breakfast, and went back to bed until 11!!! It was amazing. We never ever EVER get to sleep or sleep in so it was a real treat to just sleep!
We then went to the pool where the girls had a BLAST. No reservations at all. I definitely have pool babies.
Next, Frankie and I headed to the mall for some shopping. Frankie had some so much! Maybe next time!
We also took the girls to Kiddie Park. Kiddie Park is the best thing ever. It's a little amusement park that is designed for little admission fee and only 25cents a ride! Giuliana and Mikaela met their friend Alyson at the the park. They had a great time with Alyson but I'm not sure they ever knew that they were on a 'ride'!! So, maybe next summer it will be more fun for them!
We finished the night with the best bbq ever, Dinks, and the movie Gran Torino. If you haven't seen it. It's at redbox and a great show.
Finally, the icing on the cake was Father's Day! It was such a treat to celebrate Father's Day with Frankie and my dad!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

My two favorite dads!!
Happy Father's Day

This is Frankie's 1st official Father's Day. Last year he missed it by one day! This Father's Day, I was lucky enough to be with my two favorite Dads in the whole wide world -
Frankie and my Dad!!

Thank you, Dad, for all that you have done for me and taught me my whole life. I love you so much and strive to lead my children by example the way you have led me.

Thank you, Frankie, for fathering our two beautiful daughters and being such an amazing role model this past year. I love you so much and am so proud of you as a daddy. Mikaela Giuliana, and I look forward to all the future Father's days!

A special shout out to Uncle Aaron, Uncle Dave, and Granddad ~
you all are amazing dads and also play an important role in our girls lives.
We love you!

(Mikaela is wearing the purple bow and Giuliana the pink bow)

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Josie the Indian

Here is a CUTE video of my niece Josie! I miss her TREMENDOUSLY....along with her mommy and daddy. Can't wait to see you all!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

So, we've had a lot going on lately. We just celebrated our 3 year wedding anniversary, the girls 1st birthday, my 27th birthday and coming up soon........Frankie's 30th birthday!!!!
But, we are extremely proud of surviving the first year with twins! So, what shall we do with all this celebrating??? Celebrate more!!! Frankie and I are treating ourselves to a trip to PARIS!
And, I don't mean Paris, MO either!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

....It's my 27th Birthday today as well!
Happy Birthday to me!
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Happy 1st Birthday

Today is the girl's first birthday. The last year has been full of many blessings. I couldn't have done it without my wonderful husband and our loving families. Thank you so much for all you've done for us. Also, thanks to all of our friends for your support. We truly appreciate everything.

The girls are amazing and get better every day. I love spending every second with them and I'm soooo thankful I have the opportunity to stay home with them. We actually made it through the whole year with very little drama! The girls stayed extremely healthy which is a huge praise to God considering they were preemies. We went through a few weeks were the girls passed back and forth a fever. And that's it when it comes to illnesses! I was determined to make it through the year without them rolling off a couch or bed....AND I MADE IT!! The only big 'fall' we had was when Giuliana fell out of her swing....oops!!!

To answer a few commonly asked questions:

The girls are fraternal twins not identical. Even though they look extremely similar to you....Frankie and I do not have a hard time telling them apart!!!

Twins do not really run in our family. On both sides, there are twins far down the line (probably the same as your family if you check into it)! And, NO, I was not on any type of fertility drugs. Frankie and I are just extremely blessed by God.

YES, we want more the future! For now, we're good with Mikaela and Giuliana!!

Above is a slide show of the past year. I hope you enjoy it.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

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Here's a few pictures of the girls first birthday party. Thanks to all our friends and family for coming. We had so much fun and were happy to share the celebration with you. The girls real birthday is on Tuesday the 16th....more celebrating to come!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Beautiful Sunset
Denae, Carrie, Me, and Jennifer
Jennifer, Me, Carrie, and Denae

I just got from an amazing girls trip to Florida with Carrie, Jennifer, and Denae. The trip was a celebration of our birthdays and we had a blast. We stayed in a bungalow on the beach!! Yep, I can't believe the beach was my backyard!! We visited a few different beaches while we were there: St. Pete's, Indian Shores, Clearwater, and Siesta Keys. We also went to Tarpon Springs....don't know what it is?? I guess you'll have to google it!! We also had lots of good quality time together! It was such a great time....I can't wait for next time.
But, Michelle, What about your girls?! Don't worry. My sweet husband stayed home with the girls while I was gone. He also had a little help from his family. But, Frankie was extremely excited to spend lots of quality time with his baby girls. He really enjoyed himself. And, he got a lot done while i was gone!! Hmmmm....I should take vacations more often!!
A big thanks goes out to my loving husband for all his help. And, thanks to my girlfriends for making this happen! Love you all!

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Happy 3 Year Anniversary to US!!