Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
The girls seemed to enjoy the zoo. There was just one thing Giuliana hated! She would not let my dad put her down when we were looking at the gorillas! Apparently she's scared of them! Mikaela's favorite part was chasing all the birds around!
The worst part (for me) was lunch! I have no idea how this makes since, but the yellow jackets exhibit is where all the picnic tables are! So, we were haunted by millions of yellow jackets as we ate. All day I was dying for a sprite....they swarmed it and ruined it for me. Ugghh!!! At least no one got stung!!
(above) Grandpa and Giuliana taking a nap!!
(below) Grandpa trying to get Giuliana asleep

(above) Mikaela cuddled right up for her nap
(below) Mikaela ready for take off
(below) Mikaela ready for take off
After 9 LONG months, I finally got to see my brother, sister-in-law, niece, and BRAND NEW nephew!!! It had been way too long since I've seen them last. The girls had a great time hanging with their cousins and Aunt and Uncle. Can't wait to see you all again soon!!!
Love you and Miss you
The girls turned 15 months on September 16Th. That last month has been FULL of excitement. Both girls started walking....finally!!!
I have to admit, life is much easier now! We can play a lot more AND I don't have to carry them EVERYWHERE! The girls also got their first pair of 'real' shoes! They are for sure big girls now!
We encountered our first real illness as well. They both had a terrible rash, cold, and fever. The pictures above were taken with my phone and don't show how bad the rash really was. Frankie and I had the joy of spending a Sunday in Children's Mercy Urgent stuff! We were relieved to find out that they had a viral infection and nothing worse, phew! After one solid week of sad, sick, cranky, crying babies, they were healed!
Then....Mikaela started teething. She has at least one tooth (maybe two) that has broken through the gums. Giuliana's still haven't broken through but you can feel a little bump. Hooray!!! My children will have teeth after all!
It was a very eventful month. I am soooo happy to have my healthy, happy girls back!
Thursday, September 24, 2009

I finally made it to my first ever Riley Reunion! We were able to get a few pictures of the family while everyone was in town. The most special of them all is the
5 generation picture:
Mikaela and Giuliana, Daddy Frankie, GiGi (grandma), Great Grandma Sharon, and Great Great Grandma Riley

It's been a long time since I've updated our blog and I have a lot of catching up to do! Frankie and I had a great trip to Paris. You can view all of our pictures at
Here are just a few of the things we were able to enjoy with our friends David and Jessica:
Arc De Triomphe
Champs Elyees
Montmartre and Sacre Coeur
Notre Dame
Eifel Tower
Parc de Sceaux
By far my favorite part was the ejection ball! Soooooo much fun! It was so great to spend some time with our good friends Jessica and David. Thank you SO MUCH for all your hospitality. We had a blast!