Monday, September 28, 2009

15 Months
The girls turned 15 months on September 16Th. That last month has been FULL of excitement. Both girls started walking....finally!!!
I have to admit, life is much easier now! We can play a lot more AND I don't have to carry them EVERYWHERE! The girls also got their first pair of 'real' shoes! They are for sure big girls now!

We encountered our first real illness as well. They both had a terrible rash, cold, and fever. The pictures above were taken with my phone and don't show how bad the rash really was. Frankie and I had the joy of spending a Sunday in Children's Mercy Urgent stuff! We were relieved to find out that they had a viral infection and nothing worse, phew! After one solid week of sad, sick, cranky, crying babies, they were healed!
Then....Mikaela started teething. She has at least one tooth (maybe two) that has broken through the gums. Giuliana's still haven't broken through but you can feel a little bump. Hooray!!! My children will have teeth after all!

It was a very eventful month. I am soooo happy to have my healthy, happy girls back!