Monday, September 28, 2009

The sign behind my mom is the yellow jackets exhibit (idiots)!!
Where ya going, Giuliana?
Giuliana, I see you sneaking me a smile!

Sweet Josie

Baby Caje

(Below) Girls opening their birthday present from Josie and Caje!
The National Zoo
The girls seemed to enjoy the zoo. There was just one thing Giuliana hated! She would not let my dad put her down when we were looking at the gorillas! Apparently she's scared of them! Mikaela's favorite part was chasing all the birds around!
The worst part (for me) was lunch! I have no idea how this makes since, but the yellow jackets exhibit is where all the picnic tables are! So, we were haunted by millions of yellow jackets as we ate. All day I was dying for a sprite....they swarmed it and ruined it for me. Ugghh!!! At least no one got stung!!