I was oh so lucky to have my mom, dad, and sister come visit for a few days. Saturday we headed to see 33 miles in an outdoor concert. And, I set up a picnic for us all to enjoy! I was pretty proud of myself even though no one seemed to mind all the hard work I put into it!!!!
Sunday, after church, we celebrated my mom for Mother's Day. We went out to eat and shopping....food and clothes....sounds like the perfect day!!
We also spent lots of time outside grilling out and catching up. It's always good for the heart to sit around with family and just talk. I love it and I miss it. Now, if I could only get Katie, Aaron, and Josie to join us.....!!!!!
Thank you mom, dad, and Moni for coming to see us. Giuliana and Mikaela love every second they get to see you. Frankie and I love all your help and your company. And, thank you all for putting up with my cheese bread!!!!
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